SugarMover Zn

Stoller Solution for increasing carbohydrate levels in grains, bulbs and fruits*

Contact your nearest technical advisor to learn more about the product.


SugarMover Zn is a liquid fertiliser that provides boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc and nitrogen, essential nutrients in the filling process of grains and bulbs. Thanks to the Stoller Formulation Technology, it increases the transport of sugars from the leaves (sources) to the grains and bulbs (sinks), thus improving their quality, calibre and uniformity.


  • Greater weight, size and quality of grains, bulbs and fruits.
  • Homogeneity in the harvest.
  • Increased filling of grains, bulbs and fruits.
  • Higher protein content.
  • Brix increase.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Certified for use in Organic Agriculture.
SugarMover Zn

*Thanks to the nutrients present in the Stoller Formulation Technology.