To achieve sustainable food production, farmers need to use new fertilization tools that allow them to maximize the profitability of the crop while ensuring minimal environmental impact on soil, water and the atmosphere.
For this reason, Stoller has developed and patented internationally the N-HIB Technology. N-HIB Technology provides amino nitrogen, calcium and urease inhibitors, which keep nitrogen stable in the soil much longer, reducing its loss. Therefore, more nitrogen is available to crops for a longer period of time.
In addition, the amino nitrogen, together with the calcium present in its formulation, improves the absorption and translocation of calcium in the plant. Also, it reduces energy expenditure in the nitrogen assimilation process.
Thanks to the N-HIB Technology, farmers manage to improve production, save on resources, make efficient use of nitrogen and reduce the environmental impact.
N-HIB Technology is present in the Nitroplus range, in RootFeed and in Harbest.